Thursday, November 7, 2013


Reading peoples post they put deep thoughts into their post. They have deep meaning or they might have gone through it. Most of the post i've read, they were scared of love but they also can be a benefit in your life. Love can be dangerous and painful and you could feel the pain while you were reading others people post. They had so much to talk about, instead of loving a girl or a boy, it could be loving your best friend. Reading these post has more meaning than writing stuff down so you can get it done, they put thought and time for that.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Love or not to love?

Love is being cherished, being next to the person you love or an amazing feeling you have inside of you. Everyone falls in love and experienced love, but love can be dangerous like heroine. Love can take the important things away in your life, but its your decision to love or not to love.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Having children in your life is a benefit and a disadvantage. Having children is a wonderful thing that can happen in your life, seeing them grow up and learning how to be a good parent. They change who you are and become a better person, they bring joy into your life but also theirs. Having children is also a disadvantage in your life for many reason, thats why some people would go childlessness. Some people say that they love their life the way it is right now, I agree with that. You have more freedom and time; having children can take up alot of your time, going to work, going home and taking care of them. Being childless you have more time in your life you can do whatever you want and not thinking/worrying about the children except yourself. The expense of having children can be alot of money, the average cost of raising a kid is about $241,080. Going childless can save you so much money and spend it on your retirement. You don't need to pay for the things that kids need, the bed, toys, clothes, health insurance, etc. Some people are choosing there path if they want to be a parent or not, its a tough decision if you want kids or not. But its your life and choose if you want a child or not.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Me: My mother is a hard worker. She provides me and my brother with food, shelter and her love. Even though she has a decent/good job she's always busy working but im glad here to be with her tonight with my mom. How are you t'night?

Mom: I've been good, and im glad to be here with you tonight

Me: Lets get straight to the question. Was it easy to be a parent?

Mom: No, not at all. I loved taking care of you guys, you guys brighten my day and made me laugh a couple times.

Me: what about dad, did he take care of us alot? or did you do most of the work

Mom: It was mostly me who took care of you guys

Me: And it wasnt hard at all?

Mom: Not at all. I taught you guys well and you guys were respectful to me and listen to me and now here you guys are, still being good and listening to me.

Me: Well your a strong mom and I didnt know that. Always learning something new. You always work and me and Huy never get to see you and spend alot of time with you, do you cherish every second you see us?

Mom: Yes, i love spending time with you guys when i have time cause when you guys get older you guys will be busy and i wont be busy, i wont be able to see you guys as much so i do cherish spending time with you.

Me: I also love spending time with you too haha like right now! Now the real question. Do you love Huy and I?

Mom: yes.

Me: yes... thats all you can say?!

Mom: I do love you guys, I love you guys the most out of this whole entire world. you guys will always be in my heart.

Me: Awhh well i love you too and im glad we had this talk, this is meaningful to me and i want to thank you for being my mom and having me in this world. thanks for letting me interview you tonight!

Monday, October 21, 2013


Love is a powerful word. You will do anything for that person, cherish them, being next to the person you love and not letting things get in you're way between you guys. Love can be an amazing feeling and emotion, you're being loved, being comfort by them when you need them. Constantly thinking about that person and forget everything around you, which is the dangerous part about love. "You are my heroine" (Boys Like Girls) Martin Johnson is describing that love is addicting like heroine. Love can take things away in your life, important things in your life like friends, forgetting about them cause your spending time with the person you love. Everyone has experienced love, it spontaneous.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Daily Exposure.

In english, we have been doing Daily Exposures. Reflecting our life with the things our teacher shows us. Daily Exposures helps us improve our deep thinking skills, continuously jotting random thoughts. Daily exposure also helps us with our writing skills, the more thoughts we have the more we write. The details in the daily exposure are more define, it has alot of detail what is going on. Daily Exposures helps us improve our writing and thinking skills.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Difficult Conversation

Mom: so what are you gonna do with after your done with high school.

Me: Well i want to go to MCPHS or UMASS Boston.

Mom: You cant get into MCPHS. I want you to go to Bridgewater.

Me: I dont want to go to Bridgewater. 

Mom: Why don't you want to go there?

Me: Huy goes there and i want to go somewhere different than him. I want to go some where I want to go... You cant control where i go, this is my future....

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


People in society think success is being rich, having materialistic things and being happy. Success should be aiming what you want for, having confident and appreciated. Success can also have mistakes, it doesn't mean you failed, once you do it over again you turn it to success.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Teen contributing to the adult world

We are learning more about the adult world and the adults wont allow us to contribute the their world. In the 1920's children's used to contribute to the society. Working in big factories, using dangerous machines at this time of society teens are not allowed to use big machines.  In the song Anthem Pt 2 by Blink 182 the lyrics takes it further, but it's talks about how we should respect the adults and but do they respect us? The teens and adults should be equal. They should not control us but we should contribute together. Letting us in can make the world better, we would have more knowledge about there world. They should support us contributing us to adult world. They should support us and help us to make more mature to enter their society. Adults should let teens in their world now because we are the new generation.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Choosing a Good Best Friend.

When finding a best friend, that friend that you made will be willing to do anything for you and help you through any problem you have. The friend that you chose shouldn't judge you in any circumstance. That's how you find a best friend. Best friends are someone you can talk to and be comfortable around. They're also the friend that aren't embarrassed of anything you do. They're the type that doesn't care what anyone says but only about you in general...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Enthusiasm is something that you enjoy and interest you. Learning can be enthusiastic, but it can also not be enjoyable. You sit in class, dont pay attention and you find it boring. You can try your hardest to pay attention in that subject but it will not make you interested. If you are majoring something that you don't enjoy that can effect your future and you may not end up like your job. Learning can be enthusiastic if you like that subject, it'll make you want to learn more about that subject and it will help out the teacher. Learning can be outside of school, there are lots of things in the world that can make you enthusiastic and then want to learn more about it. Dont learn something that you dont enjoy, learn something that makes you enthusiastic.

Friday, September 6, 2013